Tuesday 1 June 2010

Mediterranean Garden on the doorstep

I've lived in Cheshire for quite a few years, but made a new discovery last week...amazing how so often the best bits can be right under your nose but remain undiscovered.
There are lots of lovely country pubs in the area, and more often than not a weekend involves a trip out to one of them, especially when the sun shines. With the sun shining on friday we decided to forgo the car and venture out on bikes.
Now I have to admit to buying a bike some 5 years ago - and using it just 3 times, and that was to cycle a few hundred yards accompanying a young, very wobbly, son on his own much smaller version. Its over twenty years since I pedalled any further, so I needed some incentive and I do like having some purpose to whatever I do - even a bike ride!
So after some deliberation (and the use of google maps to check distances!) we plotted our route and duly ended up at The Roebuck in Mobberley. We have popped in before and sat inside the pub for a drink, but we noticed (via street view) that there was a beer garden - British weather being what it is we hadn't had the chance to sit in it before.
With the sun shining we wheeled the bikes into what initially appears to be a fairly standard, if nicely presented, beer garden. Then noticed that steps led up to a second raised section, further steps lead higher again.
This beer garden is amazing, a little oasis in the heart of Cheshire. Beautifully landscaped, with cafe style tables and chairs on decked areas we could have easily been in France, Spain, or even further afield. Yes, admittedly the weather made the difference, but this is definitely one place we will be returning to when the sun shines. The only problem now is that it might be very difficult to find justification for cycling further afield!

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